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About fits2db

Do you have a large number of daily generated FITS files that you need to manage within a complex folder structure? If so, this project might be exactly what you're looking for! The primary goal of fits2db is to provide a straightforward and efficient way to load the data contained in your FITS files into a structured SQL database, making it easier to manage, query, and analyze.

Why should I use a database?

Managing a large collection of FITS files directly in a folder structure can become cumbersome and inefficient as the number of files grows. Here’s why using a database is a better approach:

  • Centralized Data Management: A database allows you to centralize your data, making it easier to access, search, and manage compared to navigating through a multitude of files spread across directories.

  • Efficient Querying: SQL databases are optimized for querying. You can quickly search, filter, and retrieve specific data from large datasets, which would be far more time-consuming if you were parsing through individual files manually.

  • Data Integrity and Consistency: Using a database ensures that your data remains consistent and avoids issues such as duplicate entries or data loss, which can happen when managing files individually.

  • Scalability: As your dataset grows, managing thousands or even millions of files in a folder structure can become impractical. Databases are designed to scale efficiently, allowing you to handle larger volumes of data without performance degradation.

  • Automation: With fits2db, you can automate the process of loading new data into your database, saving you time and reducing the likelihood of human error.

Who Should Use fits2db?

fits2db is ideal for researchers, data scientists, and engineers who deal with large volumes of FITS files on a regular basis and need an efficient way to organize, manage, and query their data. This tool is particularly useful in fields like astronomy, where FITS files are commonly used to store observations and measurement data.

If you are looking to streamline your data management process, minimize manual file handling, and take advantage of the querying power of SQL, fits2db is a great fit for your workflow.

Probably Not for You

On the other hand, if your needs are simple—such as opening a single FITS file occasionally to extract data fits2db might not be the right tool. In such cases, a lightweight FITS file viewer or a scripting approach with Astropy to handle individual files may be more appropriate.

How Does fits2db Work?

fits2db is designed to streamline the process of managing and updating large datasets stored in FITS files by integrating them into a SQL database. Here's a high-level overview of the workflow:

  • Configuration Setup: You start by creating a configuration file that outlines the data sources (the directories containing your FITS files) and the destination (your SQL database). This configuration serves as the blueprint for how fits2db interacts with your data.

  • Building the Database: Using the configuration file, fits2db initializes the database by creating tables that correspond to the data structures in your FITS files. It then populates these tables with the data, ensuring that everything is organized and ready for querying.

  • Updating the Database: As your data evolves—new FITS files are added, or existing ones are modified—fits2db allows you to update your database efficiently. It identifies changes and ensures that only new or updated data is uploaded, keeping your database synchronized with the latest information.

  • Metadata Management: Throughout the process, fits2db automatically maintains metadata tables that track the files, tables, and data within your database. This metadata is crucial for ensuring data integrity and facilitating easy management of your data over time.

  • Lifecycle Management: If needed, fits2db can also clean up the database by removing the entire table structure, giving you control over the full lifecycle of your data from creation to deletion.

Lifecycle of fits2db

flowchart LR
    A(Create \n Config File) --> |Build \n database| B(Tables are filled \n with data and
    Database is \n ready to use)

    B --> C(New Data arrives \n or
    Data changes)

    C --> |Run update \n command| B
    C --> |Optional \n command| J(Remove \n everthing)
This high-level overview illustrates the simplicity and efficiency of managing FITS files with fits2db, from initial setup to ongoing updates, all while maintaining robust metadata management to keep your data organized and accessible.

How the Meta tables are connected

The automatic created Metadata tables are to keep track of the files that are uploaded. This is done so that if you run update not everything gets rewritten but only the changed/new files get updated while the rest stays the same.

Here are the Metadata table descriptions:

        int id PK
        varchar filename
        varchar file_path
        datetime file_last_mutated

        int id PK
        varchar description
        varchar tablename
        int row_cnt
        int col_cnt

        int id PK
        varchar your_data
        int metadata_id FK

        int id PK
        text keyword
        text value
        int metadata_id FK

    FITS2DB_META ||--|| FITS2DB_TABLE_META : "foreign_id"
    FITS2DB_META ||--o| YOUR_TABLE : "foreign_id"
    FITS2DB_TABLE_META ||--o| YOUR_TABLE_META : "metadata_id"
This module defines the SQLAlchemy ORM models for the metadata tables used in the database. The models include:

  • Fits2DbMeta: Represents metadata for FITS files.
  • Fits2DbTableMeta: Represents metadata for tables related to FITS files.

The relationships between these tables are visualized in the diagram above.


Bases: Base

SQLAlchemy ORM model representing the FITS2DB_META table.


Name Type Description
id int

Primary key, auto-incremented.

filename str

Name of the FITS file.

filepath str

Path to the FITS file.

last_db_update datetime

Timestamp of the last database update.

last_file_mutation datetime

Timestamp of the last file modification.

tables relationship

Relationship to the Fits2DbTableMeta objects associated with this file.

Source code in fits2db/adapters/
class Fits2DbMeta(Base):
    SQLAlchemy ORM model representing the FITS2DB_META table.

        id (int): Primary key, auto-incremented.
        filename (str): Name of the FITS file.
        filepath (str): Path to the FITS file.
        last_db_update (datetime): Timestamp of the last database update.
        last_file_mutation (datetime): Timestamp of the last file modification.
        tables (relationship): Relationship to the Fits2DbTableMeta objects
                associated with this file.


    __tablename__ = "FITS2DB_META"

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    filename = Column(Text)
    filepath = Column(Text)
    last_db_update = Column(
    last_file_mutation = Column(
    # Relationship to associate files with their tables
    tables = relationship(
        cascade="all, delete-orphan",